Monday, May 21, 2012



So I am currently down ~37 lbs, have past my half-way point and have 33 lbs to go.  I have days when I feel really thin, and days where I feel like I still have sooooo far to go.  This past weekend was the first weekend in a really long time that I went out partying.  I made some choices that were probably not the best, but still they were drastically different from any choice I would have made in the past.  I was really craving bad carbs this weekend, pad thai, lo mein, pizza, but it's the one thing I won't let myself have.  I feel like even having one small carb will be a very slippery slope.  Obviously, I DO have carbs like veggies, but you know which carbs I'm speaking of... the dreaded pastas, rice, bread-- all those refined carbs that go straight for the gut.   So this weekend when I felt hungry for something, I allowed myself to have some more protein then I would normally have.  
Now the weekend is over, and I'm back on track.  I have finally joined the gym, and tonight I really PUSHED IT!  It felt great!  I went to the store after my workout and got some healthy veggies, and some tuna steaks and salmon.  Now that I feel more comfortable with my diet, I want to focus more on my fitness plan.  I have been doing a half an hour of cardio (~300 calories) and then half and hour to an hour of strength training.  I am seriously thinking of getting a trainer, just so I don't feel so intimidated with some of those machines.  I need to think seriously about what my goals are for the next couple of months.  
My BIG goal was getting to my half-way point, and although I feel like I've come a long way I can't let myself think it's enough- I have to push through.  Summer's coming so that will be a great motivator.   
I am really happy with the way my body is dealing with the changes, but I really want to start toning up.  
The "now" picture was taken today after my workout, so it didn't come out so great and I've actually lost a lot of weight in my face, which doesn't show in the above pictures, so I'll do just a face shot below.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Recipe: Guilt-free mini Pizza

~ 42 Calories/mini pizza 

I wanted to experiment in trying to make a non-wheat healthy pizza.  I wanted to substitute the dough, which is really the worst part for the waistline.  What I ended up doing was substituting eggplant (aubergine) for the pizza dough.

Pizza crust:
1/2 eggplant cut into slices and dehydrated overnight
(I think this might also be doable in the oven- turn and don't allow to burn)

Pizza Sauce:
1 Can of organic diced tomatoes
1 clove of garlic
1/4 red onion
10 large basil leaves (fresh)
chop together in a food processor

Take your hardened eggplant and add 1-2 tbs of sauce.  Then top with a light sprinkling of cheese.  I used raw sheep cheese, but you can use a low-fat cheese for dukan.  Or just omit for bruschetta. Garnish w/small basil leaves and you've got healthy mini pizza!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Own Food Pyramid

So, I've been transitioning out of Dukan into a more whole foods based diet.  I have incorporated a lot more fruits, vegetables and greens and am currently about 75% raw.  I have cut out all cow-based dairy products because after much research, this is not something I want to have in my body (hormones, antibiotics, puss cells, blood, etc...).  For similar reasons, I've given up red meat, pork, chicken and eggs.  To maintain my protein levels, I have seafood and very limited amounts of (raw) prosciutto and bresaola but I make sure it's imported and of high quality.  Same goes for sheep & goat milk, high quality and usually imported.  I also allow myself some amounts of beans, legumes, quinoa and oat bran, but again in limited quantities.  I can have nuts, seeds, olives and oils in limited amounts, and this is where most raw food diets fail because they use a lot of nuts, seeds and oils in recipes to compensate for the lack of meat in the diet.  It is not good to have high amounts of fats on ANY diet, so I keep this at a minimum.  This is the diet that seems to work best for MY body.
Every morning I have a green drink w/spirulina, chlorella, echinacea and wheat grass powders along with whatever greens, veggies and fruits I add to the drink, or rarely I'll have a fruit smoothie with almond milk and almond butter usually with berries and a banana.  I have cut out my morning coffee, and feel that my green drinks give me the boost I need to get me through to lunch.  I usually have some fruit as my snacks, and lunch is usually a salad or some raw recipe and fruit.  For dinner I usually have some seafood or an avocado recipe and some more raw greens.  I do allow myself some air popped popcorn once in a while, and feel this is a healthy version of a "cheat food".  I have drastically cut down on the alcohol, but do have a drink from time to time, but no more than two at a time, and usually just one.
I have noticed that since being on this diet (MY diet), my body is very sensitive to things like caffeine and alcohol, so I don't really crave them and only have them on social occasions.  Also, I should mention that the seafood I've been eating is mostly raw in the form of sashimi, oysters, ceviche (cooked w/acid from lemons), or (very low amounts of) cured meats like prosciutto or bresaola.
After a lot of research in many areas of nutrition, reading through a lot of diet books, and listening to my own body, this is the diet that I have created for myself.  This is a personal account of MY own diet, and not meant to be instructional, so any one attempting to adapt any of what I've written does so at their own risk, and should speak with a doctor first, just like starting any diet.
I will keep updating my progress, and let you all know how it works out for me, but so far I feel really great, I'm still losing weight, my nails are stronger, my skin is fresher and I don't seem to crave any of the forbidden foods- I guess that's because "I" determined what would be forbidden ;)

Sunday, May 6, 2012



Tuesday, May 1, 2012

What should I do??????

I wanted to ask those of you who follow my blog wether I should start a new blog, change the name of this blog, or keep blogging as is?


Well, I'm no longer on Dukan "officially".  After I transitioned to the cruise phase I fell more and more in love with my veggie days, and then modified the diet to all PV days (Once I was happy with the weight I lost and didn't mind loosing slower).  The problem is I REALLY LOVE my veggies!!!  I began researching a lot of whole food lifestyles, and somehow I've gone raw.  So I went from a carnivore on the Dukan to a pseudo-vegan on my new diet.  I really discourage people from jumping from one diet to another, but my body was asking for it, and I feel AMAZING!

The pounds are still coming off with limited exercise, but the food I eat is a lot healthier than what I was eating on Dukan.  So, what should I do?  I have so many great recipes, but some include non-dukan food like avocados, nuts, or fruits (not all though).  Also, I don't want to mislead those who are new-dukaners.  However, I don't want to loose the friends and members I've made on this site.  You all are so supportive! Also, I want to continue to pass on the information that I learn and also I know that some look to my posts for motivation, so I would hate to loose that.

I will leave it up to you guys.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know your thoughts on this.