Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How I got my groove back!

Ok, so I think I got my groove back!!!!  I went shopping last night and it felt really great!!!  I was choosing clothes because I "liked them" and not because they were "my size"!!!  This was one of the main motivations for reaching my goal.  I was so frustrated by not being able to find the clothes I liked in my size.  I think I went a little overboard, but I was having so much fun in the fitting room!
Even though I've dropped about 4-6 sizes, I made sure to go even an extra size down, so the clothes I bought fit a bit snug, which will also motivate me to fit into them better.  I can't wait to go through my closet and get rid of all the big clothes.  I have a new spring wardrobe and I feel so good.  Also, I called up the gym and I'm going to sign up on April 1st.  Time to kick this thing into high gear!!!  I want to reach my goal by the summer!  I just realized that I have 14 more pounds to go and I'm at my half way point.
I remember when I started 70 lbs seemed so MUCH! I took it one pound at a time, and I can't believe it not even 3 months later and I have 44 lbs to go, which seems more realistic than 70!  For now I'm just looking forward to loosing the 14 to get me to my half way point.
I guess loosing 25 lbs was a good reason to go shopping.  Pics to come soon!!!!

Also- I made this GREAT salad mix to keep in the fridge and add daily to my salads (baby spinach) and then top off with some sort of meat.

The mix contains-- vine fresh tomatoes, sweet mini peppers, red onion, fresh basil.  The smell was AMAZING!!!!

PS--- this is a link to the documentary Hungry for Change-- you can sign up to watch the premier for free.  At least check out the trailer-- looks good!



  1. Mmmm always a good idea to make food in advance, especially something as yummy looking as that!

    Congratulations! Keep up the motivation, you are so close!

  2. Keep up the momentum! Shopping for things that fit nbut are snug is a good idea!!!
