Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cruise week 4: Social "Life" on a diet

WEEK 4: 16.2 lbs lost

I have a confession to make about this past weekend.  I was invited to a pre-valentines day party, and I did go out, and I did have a few drinks.  I should start by saying that before the party I was a bit worried that I wouldn't have a thing to wear.  There was a dress in the closet (at my BF's house) that I had not worn in almost a year, and even then it was tight.  I figured I would amuse myself and try it on, and the dress actually fit.  It wasn't tight- it wasn't loose either- it just fit!  Also, I had started to use my egg yolks for a hair treatment.  I felt so guilty throwing all those yolks away.  Well, I tried this a couple of times, and my hair had REALLY improved and was really shinny.  I decided to wear it down, which I never do.  I went to the store and picked up some stockings and a pair of bright RED heels, and I felt so sexy!
Apparently others did as well because at the party I had a few offers to buy me drinks.  I hadn't had dinner because I had a late lunch, so I figured I could splurge calorie wise on a few rum & diet cokes.  I had an amazing time, but I have to be honest that all weekend I was super worried that the scale would not go down.   I also didn't exercise as much as I would have liked, so I was really worried it might actually go up!
Well, last night I got back from my weekend in the City, and this morning I weighed myself.  The scale did not punish me, so I will not feel guilty about my one night out!  I lost another pound this week.  Yes, I could have lost more, but I think that considering the evening - I will be REALLY happy with this week's weigh-in.  I won't make it a habit to go out drinking, but I think that it's important to balance life with the diet without sacrificing either.  After all, this will be the key to mainting the weight once it's come off.  I'm really glad that I write things down, so that I can SEE what works and what doesn't seem to work.  I made the choice to drink a diet coke with rum instead of some high calorie drink, AND when I came home I ignored my munchies, which was always a huge pitfall for me.  I used to go out for drinks - usually beers and then come home and raid the fridge from drinking munchies.
I did go out- but I changed my going out habits- I made a better choice, and I did not eat once I came home-- in that case I did not cheat on the diet, I tailored it a more realistic diet.  If I had not been tracking what I ate and my weight- I could have easily seen this night as a "slip up" and maybe even abandoned the diet.
The Dukan diet can be quite restrictive, and if you're on the cruise phase for a long time (like me), you will have to find ways to make it work for YOU!  Take every chance to learn something- in this way - we don't  cheat the diet or more importantly cheat ourselves!  CHEERS TO US!!!

Lost this week:   1 lb
Lost on Dukan:  14.2 lbs
Total Lost:          16.2 lbs

Note: I have decided to start doing the blogs by weeks now on the cruise phase, since the pounds lost will not come off as they did in the attack phase.  Also, I will be going away on weekends, which makes it a bit harder to post.  You can refer to earlier posts (PM) to see what my usual meals are.  I will only post meals if they are interesting and will always try to include a picture.  I am always happy to hear comments or suggestions.  


  1. Glad I found your blog! I bet you looked fab in that dress! I look forward to following your progress... my blog is at: flamidwyfe.wordpress.com

  2. Thank you for your comment and feel free to add me to your blogroll. One day I hope to organize the blog a bit better, so any comments/suggestions are always welcome- thanks again :D
