Thursday, April 12, 2012

Breakfast- The most important meal

Before Dukan, I was NEVER a breakfast person, but it was really important for me when I started the diet, so that I wasn't hungry throughout the day.  Most breakfast foods are FULL of carbs; cereal, oatmeal, breads, muffins, poundcake, coffe cake, croissants.....
It seems no one has time for eggs anymore!  We are rushing to start our days, so we want that "meal on the go" and let's just face it, throwing some egg whites into your Prada, just won't do!  I can tell you from my experience that there is a big difference in my days depending on whether or not I have (a good healthy) breakfast!
I would rather be a bit late, or wake up early (really it doesn't take more than 10'- clean up when I get home) and feel satisfied.  Of course there are those days that time just slips, and there is no way to squeeze  it in- then I try to have at least something (fat free yogurt, part-skim string cheese, SOMETHING).
By the way-- if you were like me-- you thought coffee WAS breakfast!  No it's not!
When I first started Dukan I would have 4 egg whites (68 cals) and a couple slices of 98% fat free ham (~40 calories).  I got away from the ham b/c it's overly processed and not the healthiest way to get protein.
The pic above was this morning's breakfast; egg whites, mini sweet peppers, spinach, fat-free feta- topped with a slice of tomato and fresh basil(~195 cals).  Took less than 10' to make  (I keep the peppers sliced and frozen).
I start the day feeling great!

1 comment:

  1. It's true, waking up just 10 minutes earlier to give yourself the energy boost from a great breakfast is totally worthit.

    Very good habit to get into :)
