Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

This has been a really interesting week.  I started my new job last week and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!
I mentioned to my boss that I was on a "special" diet, and she ordered a fridge for my office.  Now I can stock it up with healthy snacks, so I never get caught off guard.  I have been able to stick to the diet, but find it's getting a lot harder to do my PP days when I'm at work.  Also, I've been struggling with balancing social activities and Dukan.  Obviously, we are not allowed to drink on the cruise phase, but I have once in a while, but I always keep it under 2 drinks and opt for rum/diet cokes or red wine.

It seems last week I was invited to all sorts of things... Some GOOD, some BAD, and some very very UGLY.

The Good:

I went to brunch and was able to keep to Dukan by having the steak and eggs option.  The meat was pretty lean, and I hadn't had egg yolks in a while.  (I usually have 4 egg whites for breakfast w/ 97% fat free ham).  Also the side salad was simple but really great!  I did splurge and had a Blood Mary, but I really enjoyed it and skipped lunch cause I wasn't hungry.

The Bad:

I was invited over to a friend's house, and as is usually the case in NYC we ordered in.  It was pretty late, so our best option was Chinese -- YIKES!!!  I think I made it work though, considering all the other options.  I won't lie... I had a small craving for some Sesame Chicken, but cravings don't have the power over me as before.  So what did I order???  I had the Seafood Delight, BUT I asked them just to steam everything and NO SAUCE, so basically it was steamed seafood and veggies.  I enjoyed it and felt good about myself.

The Ugly:

So I think the hardest decision was Saturday night.  I was invited to go out, and I hadn't been out in so long, I thought it would be good for me.  So the invite was to a Beer Garden--- I KNOW!!! The place was super cool, and packed.  Everyone was drinking the 1 liter beer steins, and I REALLY wanted one too.  I had eaten dinner before hand and met everyone later, to avoid the whole dinner thing, but now I had to choose.  At first, I was rationalizing, "well, it's only 1 beer, and I've been so good...." you know how it goes.  But then, I was like "NO!  I worked too hard to get here, and I'm not going to screw it up over a beer.  I ordered a rum/diet coke and YES I felt really silly at first, but then I felt sort of proud of myself, and I honestly didn't care.  Get this-- the 1 liter beers were $12, and my tiny drink (w/ice) was $10+tax+20% tip.  I realized a long time ago that I would not let the money thing get to me.  It's always cheaper to eat bad, and I just feel like I'm paying for health, when I make expensive options.  

This week made me realize that I have learned good eating habits.  This realization led me to change up the diet.  I am now doing a Pseudo-Cruise Phase.  I am doing 6 PV days and 1 PP day.  I am not really ready to go into Stabilization, but I don't really want to deprive myself of healthy veggies.  I will blog about this decision when I have a little more data, and let you all know if it works out.  Obviously, if the weight doesn't come off - I'll go back to attack for some days and back to the "real" Cruise.  Wish me luck!!!

By the way, I updated my "weigh-in page" and here's my progress report from Myfitnesspal.com:

Good, bad, ugly pic from: http://postercabaret.com/media/catalog/product/a/l/alamogoodbadpatent_8.jpg


  1. The entire time I was on cruise I ate veggies, I didn't have a single PP day and I lost 110 lbs on it :P Now that I'm on consolidation I have included one PP day a week though.
    Good luck!

    Also, That is AWESOME with the fridge! You really lucked in on that one.

  2. I'm the same. I eat veges most days and still lose. Cool boss getting you a fridge!!

  3. Thanks guys!!!! IT really helps to know that it's worked in the past. I was a little scared to mess up :D
