Saturday, March 3, 2012

HELP!!!! Time to take off the training wheels.

I think one of the things that has really helped me in my body/mind transformation is consistently trying to be honest with myself.  I start my new job on Monday.  I am REALLY excited because I'm sort of changing career paths and this was the job I really really really wanted.  I am so proud of myself, but I have to confess that I am a little worried about juggling everything successfully.
I have my Masters that I'm currently doing, and I've dedicated a lot of time to my "health and fitness" - I am worried that my schedule will get too packed, and I don't want to go backwards or even become stagnant on my progress.  I know that worrying won't help anything, and will only add additional stress, so I need to be proactive about things and REALLY learn to BALANCE.  I don't want to put all my focus on one area of my life and have another area suffer.  This is how my weight got to be so high, but I can't just focus on my weight and not have all the other things in my life that I deserve.
It's time to take off the training wheels, and see how I do in the "real world".  I have to trust that I've set up good habits for myself for the last 8 weeks.  I have to trust that I want it bad enough.  I have to trust that I have the discipline.  I have to trust that I care enough about myself to take care of myself.  I have to trust that I deserve nothing less.
I am asking for any suggestions to all you busy bees out there- how can I set myself up to succeed?
Someone told me a really great quote....
Failing to plan is planning to fail.
I want to make sure I use this weekend to really plan for success- whatever it takes.  I have already gone out and purchased some food storage containers.  I will probably make Sunday a cooking day for the rest of the week- and store some frozen meals.  I need to make sure the fridge is stocked with healthy Dukan food, AND I have to figure out how I will incorporate a daily workout into my schedule?  I need to set up check points and milestones.  I also need to make sure that I do this in a way that comes naturally, and not becomes added stress.
I had put my career on hold and made progress in my personal life- now it's time to reign it all in.  I'm a little scared, but I WANT THIS, and that is a more powerful feeling than the fear.  I know that I can combat the fear with knowledge-- knowing HOW I will make it work.  I don't have it all figured out yet, but I don't need to figure it all out on my own.

By the way-- this was my afternoon snack...

Mini peppers stuffed with spinach and fat free feta cheese with a bit of chopped red onions and salt.  Broiled in the oven and that's what you get.  I LOVE my veggie days :D

This came in at 118 calories (as shown)

Heading picture from:


  1. I think you sound like you have it all figured out! Planning is definitely the key..... Make sure you have the right food prepared or in the fridge. Keep positive and if things dont go the way you hoped or you hit a rough spot, dont turn to food for comfort, find something else. You'll do great, look at what you've achieved already. xo

  2. Oh my goodness, those look so yummy.

    I love your drive and your passion, that's so amazing! Make sure not to shock yourself with too much change or you might not stick with it. Sometimes it's easier to make a few changes a day instead of bombarding yourself and then not being able to keep up.
    Great idea to do all your meal prep for the week and freeze some, I think I should get into doing that.

    Congrats on the job! You will do really well :)
