Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 3 AM

Last night I didn't sleep very well. I was hungry in the evening, so I had some tuna with egg whites, but I didn't want to eat and then go straight to bed, so I stayed up and then couldn't fall asleep till 3am. I had to wake up at 8am to move the car (NYC alternate side parking rules). Therefore, I felt VERY tired this morning. When I weighed my self, I had still lost, but not as much as the day before. I think sleep will really make a difference, even just for the fact that if you're only getting 5 hours of sleep, you're only weighing yourself 5 hours after your heaviest time (the end end of the day).

I usually have a splash of 2% organic milk in my coffee with a teaspoon of brown sugar. I cut the milk and sugar out this morning, which doesn't help my mood. I should probably just hop back in bed and drink the coffee after I get up, but I don't want to be up late again tonight, so I'm just dealing with it and will probably be cranky and tired the rest of the day, but hopefully will get to bed early tonight and back on schedule.

Also, I feel like I had a lot of salt yesterday, and maybe my body is retaining water (I had about 2L yesterday), but I used salt to flavor the food especially the chicken broth (seemed over salted), so I need to find spices to substitute my sodium, while adding flavor to food.

Goals for the day:

-reduce sodium intake

-drink more water 3-4L

-1 hour of exercise

-eat more during the day (to reduce hunger at night). I know this sounds counter intuitive when trying to loose weight, but I need to get up to 1200 calories/day so my body doesn't go into starvation mode, even though I feel like I'm eating and don't feel hungry during the day. I guess I will just up my portions of the healthier things like lean chicken and tuna.

Goals for the week:

-Keep trying to drink more water

-Introduce more variety into my diet and add more fish.

-Add more spices to my cabinets

-Find new snack alternatives

-Exercise moderately (then more aggressively for phase II)

-Loose at least 5lbs from Day 1 on Sunday (Day 5)

-Keep motivated

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