Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 5 AM (-1.6) Why Did I Diet?

Today: -1.6lbs
Total: -4.6lbs

I knew today would be a good day at the scale :D
1.6lbs lost, and more importantly-- I learned a lot yesterday about things that really help:
1. Getting a good nights sleep (probably a metabolism thing)
2. Having more (and varied) snack food.
3. Increasing lunch portion, but of a healthier food.
4. Large breakfast (AND I had bit of milk in my coffee -1%)
5. I added the oatbran, but not sure if that had to do with the weight
6. Lower sodium intake
6. Excercise!!!!!!!!!!!

This morning I am up early as well. I could have been up earlier, but I went to bed later than I wanted, so I chose to get the extra hour of sleep (9-instead of 8am), although my body woke naturally at 8am. I think the reason it's been hard for me to get to sleep early, is that I have a lot of energy, but this is something I'm working on. I still got a rested night's sleep- so all's good!

Well the numbers speak for my weight, but they can't even begin to say how I feel. I really do feel AMAZING!!!

Let me tell you a little bit about where I WAS, Pre-Dukan, so you can get a better idea of where I AM now...

Loosing weight was not part of some random new year's resolution, nor was it some scheme to get into some dress for an event. Nooooo, my friends, things had gotten pushed much farther than this. I would say that the last week before I started the Dukan was the worst I've felt in a REALLY long time--and isn't that always the best motivation for a new view on life. I think the MOST important thing is recognition of the fact that if we are unhappy "something is not working!!!" what the "something" is -will be different for everyone, but the best sure fire way to stay miserable is to keep doing the same things and wonder why nothing changes. Hey, maybe the new "something" won't work either, but at least we're trying, and that's a big change in itself.

So where was I? I had gained weight-- last year I managed to loose 20lbs that had slowly come back, so I was now 70 lbs over where I'd like to be. That's like the weight of a 10yr old!!!! Can you imagine??? Imagine- all day long having a 10 year old on your back??? How would you feel at the end of the day, and how eager would you be to go for a run with that monkey on your back?
I was feeling tired all the time. Didn't matter how much sleep I got- I was always tired. I'm currently doing my masters, so I'm not working, and had no real schedule to push me. My boyfriend was working a 12-8pm shift, which didn't help either. I would get up at 11am sometimes even after noon- It's embarrassing to say. So then there was no point for "breakfast" I would have a cup of coffee with maybe a couple of slices of whole wheat toast, and then lunch an hour later, and usually went out for dinner, or had a big meal at home usually accompanied by a couple glasses of wine. So where did this get me??? Last week I had a job interview, not my dream job, but nevertheless a job worth going for. I scheduled my interview at 4:30pm thinking it would give me plenty of time to get ready. I had more than enough time, the problem was, I had NOTHING in the closet appropriate for an interview that fit. This was extremely frustrating. I had been in stretchy yoga pants for way too long :'(
One of my friends was so sweet, in trying to aid in my crisis, and said, "maybe you can dress up the yoga pants with a pair of boots and a nice sweater." Well the more clothes I tried on the worse I felt. Outfit after outfit piling up on the floor as the clock ticked away. I eventually found something, and I rocked the interview. However, I didn't get the job because I was over qualified. What does this mean??? I think on some level-- I won't go for the jobs I'm really qualified for because I don't feel comfortable about the way I look. True, the economy's a mess, but if I was interviewing people - the extra 70lbs would speak louder than the resume. No one gains 70 lbs by being " a go-getter, organized, and having attention to detail"--- a 10 year old just jumped on your scale-- uhmmmm- how did you miss that little detail? I'm harsh I know- but we are always the worst critics to ourselves.

So where am I at NOW??? Less than a week later: I AM "a go-getter, organized and have great attention to detail" a chihuahua just jumped off my scale woooooohoooooo!!! It's not just the weight. I have more energy, I feel motivated, and I'm getting healthier. I know it's only Day 5 and my enthusiasm sounds a bit pre-mature, but it's how I feel! I wouldn't want to go back to what I was feeling the week before for any pasta, potato, or toast. I am happy with what I'm eating, and I don't miss the carbs, the lazyness and especially not the chihuahua that has run off my scale.

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